
Kill the Drama Online Store now open!
Featuring new t-shirts! Click the link below to check out the new design available in 5 different styles for guys and girls. Show your support for Kill the Drama and be the first to own one of these stylish items...
Kill the Drama Store |
"Close Friends with Sharp Knives" Free Download Oct 14th!
On October 14th, 2008, Kill the Drama is offering their debut album "Close Friends with Sharp Knives" for free on their website from 10 AM EST (US time) to 10 AM the next day. Go here to check out their free download website and don't miss out downloading their criticallly acclaimed album for free October 14th!
Free Downloading Site |
"Make Rock History" Contest voting has begun!
From the band:
KTD recently entered the "Make Rock History" online contest and voting is underway. We've had alot of questions recently about how often fans can vote, so hopefully we can clear this up.
The good news is that fans can cast one vote PER DAY (per email account). So, for those of you who would like to see Kill the Drama go on tour with Motley Crue in 2009, you can log on to KTD's page at Make Rock History at
(or click the banner above) once a day per account and cast a vote!
As always, we appreciate all the support.
-Kill the Drama
See "
Live Before it Kills You" Video
Kill the Drama's new video is now up in the video archive. You can also see the full feaure including making of the video and band interview by clicking "Kill the Drama Feature" at left or the banner at the top of the page
Video Archive
WonkaVision Magazine
Check out the August-October issue of WonkaVision Magazine where Kill the Drama has a full page profile on the second page as well as a review of Close Friends w/ Sharp Knives. (The magazine is available at Borders and other outlets... click here to find out where to get a copy). WV is a nationally distributed indie rock magazine distributed internationally. This issue is also being handed out for free at the Warped Tour.
WonkaVision Website
"Make Rock History" Contest voting has begun!
From the band:
KTD recently entered the "Make Rock History" online contest and voting is underway. We've had alot of questions recently about how often fans can vote, so hopefully we can clear this up.
The good news is that fans can cast one vote PER DAY (per email account). So, for those of you who would like to see Kill the Drama go on tour with Motley Crue in 2009, you can log on to KTD's page at Make Rock History at
(or click the banner above) once a day per account and cast a vote!
As always, we appreciate all the support.
-Kill the Drama
See "
Live Before it Kills You" Video
Kill the Drama's new video is now up in the video archive. You can also see the full feaure including making of the video and band interview by clicking "Kill the Drama Feature" at left or the banner at the top of the page
Video Archive
WonkaVision Magazine
Check out the August-October issue of WonkaVision Magazine where Kill the Drama has a full page profile on the second page as well as a review of Close Friends w/ Sharp Knives. (The magazine is available at Borders and other outlets... click here to find out where to get a copy). WV is a nationally distributed indie rock magazine distributed internationally. This issue is also being handed out for free at the Warped Tour.
WonkaVision Website
Making of the video / teaser
Go here to see the making of the "Live before it Kills You" video with producers Matt Freed and Steve Mellon which debuts Monday, August 18th.
"Live Before it Kills You" Making the Video |
New Video to debut on Post-Gazette.com Monday
After winning the Pittsburgh Rocks band challenge through the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Kill the Drama began working with Steve Mellon and Matt Freed of the PG on a new video for "Live Before it Kills You". Most of the video was shot at an abandoned school house in Braddock, PA and is more of a "concept"-type video than previous KTD videos. Check out post-gazette.com on Monday August 18th for the premiere.
Kill the Drama brings Marios Papachristou into the fold
In April 2008, founding member and long-time bassist Ben "Skinny" Solnik informed the band that he was leaving to pursue other opportunities in Chicago. The band and Ben are still on good terms and though his leaving the band was an unwanted surprise, the band has moved forward in replacing him in recent months. After several weeks of auditions, Kill the Drama brought bassist Marios Papachristou into the band. Marios is originally from Tampa, FL and the band is elated to find someone who's meshed so seemlessly with the project. You can learn more about him through his myspace here. "Mars" as the band calls him, will be in the bands new video for "Live Before it Kills You" which debuts next week on post-gazette.com.
"Sunshine" track of the week on Garageband.com
Kill the Drama's track "Sunshine" is this weeks featured track on Garageband.com. The band's single is currently in the 3rd round in the website's band contest and is 38th on the Alternative chart. You can see Kill the Drama's feature by clicking here
Kill the Drama teamed up with Steve Mellon and Matt Freed of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette to shoot a video for the song "Live Before it Kills You" a rock track from KTD's debut album Close Friends with Sharp Knives. The band shot the video last week in Braddock, PA at several locations. The new video will debut sometime in the coming weeks on post-gazette.com and also the KTD website and myspace page. Stay tuned for updates on a release date as well as any teasers or stills that leak out from the video in the coming days.
Some new art is featured as the background on kill the drama's myspace page.
For details of what was an eventful day at Three Rivers Artsfest, please check Kill the Drama's Blog by visiting the myspace link at left.
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette was generous enough to post a live video of KTD playing a new song - "The Wide Awakening" for the Artsfest Mainstage. This video was posted on the front page of the PG website over the weekend. Check it out here.
Video Credits -
Producer: Matt Freed
Videographer: Matt Freed
Videographer: Doug Oster
"The Wide Awakening" live from 3 Rivers Artsfest |
After winning the 2008 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Online band challenge Kill the Drama will be playing the Main Stage at Pittsburgh Artfest Friday June 20th (6:30 PM) opening for local rocker Joe Gruschecky. Here is an article detailing the contest and Kill the Drama from the PG.
Article |
Kill the Drama has won the 2008 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Online band challenge. Over 10,000 people voted and the band garnered over 25% of the total vote to pull off the win. Kill the Drama will be playing the Main Stage at Pittsburgh Artfest on June 20th (6:30 PM) and has also won a professionally produced music video. Details to follow.
The band would like to thank everyone who voted.
"Our friends and fans are tremendous"- Steve Stiller
Article |
With less than 10 hours left in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on-line band challenge remaining, Kill the Drama still holds the lead with about 32% of the votes. Over 10,000 people have voted so far, so the band thanks everyone who took a second to vote. If the band wins, they will play at the Pitsburgh Three Rivers Arts Festival later this month.
If you haven't voted here's the link.
VOTE NOW for Kill the Drama |
As of noon today, Kill the Drama is leading the Pittsburgh Rocks on-line rock challenge with over 23% of the voting. The contest ends 5 PM on Thursday June 12th. The band thanks all of you who voted and especially those who put the "Vote for Kill the Drama" badges up on their myspaces and personal pages (to get one click here).
There is still alot of time left and with the other great bands who are part of the challenge, Kill the Drama will need your vote to pull off the win.
If you haven't voted here's the link. It only takes a second.
VOTE NOW for Kill the Drama |
Kill the Drama was one of 12 bands local to the Pittsburgh area selected to participate in an on-line rock challenge run by the Pittsburgh PG. The contest runs thru June 12th and the winner is determined by online voting. Please go to the following link and take a quick second to vote. Thanks.
Spread the word by copying and pasting this code into your personal webpage (myspace/facebook/etc).

Now the band's personal myspace blog feeds into the KTD webwidget. Check out the updated version below then code it into your webpage.
Now you can get all updates from this website on your personal webpages such as MySpace and Facebook. Click on the Option below, choose your type of page, copy and embed the code in your page, and any news and show updates will update instantly.
See the Kill the Drama IM at left or go to the "Community" page to message the band or other fans instantly. No Log-in or registration is required. Just put in your name or nickname, enter your message, and click "post message". A great way to instantly get in touch with the band, speak to like-minded people, or reach the band's growing fanbase worldwide without the hassle of email or other community webpages.
The band released these today which they are calling "promo covers". "Youtalk Radiostatic" and "Give Up" are two of the new unrecorded songs the band is now playing at some of their live shows.

Archived Video Surfaces
A live performance of Kill the Drama performing "Collapse" on 102.5 WDVE was recently posted on YouTube from 2007. Special thank you to "Dragon282001" for posting the video. Click here or go to the Media->Video Archive section to view.
Amplify This!
View a Kill the Drama feature about the band on Amplify This!, a respected London, UK based music/artist web publication. Kill the Drama is currently featured in the weekly Amplified section with a feature article about the band.
New article up...
Check out a review/article about KTD and the Close Friends with Sharp Knives album from The Needle and the Groove.
New pictures up...
Check out the "Tour" section for images from Kill the Drama's last show at Club Gravity. Special thanks to "Brew".
Monday, March 31, 2008
Fan Video - Bravo Company, 1st Platoon, US NAVY
This great video was made by Anthony Paul of the the US Navy Bravo Co. 1st Platoon. It shows a glimpse of marine life leading up to a tour in Iraq set to the Kill the Drama song "Cut the Black Away". Here's the link.
Cut the Black Away - US NAVY Bravo Co, 1st Platoon
Kill the Drama would like to thank all of their fans who serve in the US Military. Any submissions you would like to make of photos/videos/etc can be sent to the band at zella@killthedramamusic.com
Friday, March 27, 2008
From the Kill the Drama blog at Myspace:
New website goes national
Since the KTD website launched a few weeks ago, we've had people from all over the country visit. From Seattle to Connecticut to Florida, we thank all of you for taking the time to see everything we have going on here. We also have updates going on the website all the time so check back. After each show we list the setlist and post any photos submitted by fans in the crowd, and we also just added a section that shows our song catalog (which since we're writing steadily right now its growing all the time). We'll actually be playing out at least two unheard brand new songs at our next show.
The Burning Streets
If you're interested in helping getting the word out either locally or nationwide, please send us over an email (zella@killthedramamusic.com) or myspace message. We're looking to expand our base around the country and need a few willing hands. There will be perks to helping us of course... good things... and we're only asking for people to help in any way they'd like that will help get the word out. Let us know if you have any ideas as we put a plan together for this.
Thanks for your support... KTD
Website Update... Song Catalogue
Check out the "Info" section to see the original tracks that make up the Kill the Drama song catalogue. See which tracks could end up on the bands next album.
Website Update... Tour
Check out the "Tour" section for new upcoming show info as well as setlists and photos from previous shows. The setlist for KTD's last show on Friday March 21st is up now.
Website Update... Gear Info
Check out the "Info" section for live specs, gear list, a stage diagram, and more. |
Friday, March 14, 2008
Friends of Kill the Drama
Kill the Drama is now up and running on sites such as Flickr, Bebo, and Pure Volume. The links to these Kill the Drama sites are at left. If you are active on any of these sites, please add Kill the Drama to your friends list and get to know other fans and likeminded people.
Next Show Info
The next kill the drama show at Club Gravity in Cheswick, PA is All Ages. This is the same venue that will host national acts such as Anti-Flag and Coheed & Cambria starting in April.
Next show - 03/21/2008 - Club Gravity - Cheswick, PA - 7 PM

Thursday, March 13, 2008
Killthedramamusic.com is now online
The official Kill the Drama website is now up and running. Here you'll find additional content you won't be able to get on the KTD Myspace, Bebo, or Pure Volume sites. Take a look around to see all the content the page has to offer and check back for updates as the site will be updated with more content, info, media, news, and more as it happens.
New shows added
Check out the "Tour" section for upcoming gigs. The next show is also listed at the top right hand section of the page.
Next show - 03/21/2008 - Club Gravity - Cheswick, PA - 7 PM
Join the Kill the Drama mailing list now!
Exclusive news, promotions, giveaways, and more will take place for mailing list members. Also detailed show/event information sent directly to your email. Even if you are a friend of KTD's on Myspace, please also join this list to stay up to date with all happenings with the band.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Close Friends with Sharp Knives video debuts!
The new video is up and running on Youtube and its also on the KTD Myspace. If you want to go straight to the Youtube page and comment on it there here's the link:
Also remember that Youtube can be viewed on a mobile phone if you have internet on it at m.youtube.com. The video should be available for searching shortly. If you like the vid, pass it along. It really captures what is Kill the Drama live.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Sneak peek stills from the video
The video has been edited and is almost ready for release. We're actually getting a few copies from Robert John on DVD next week. In the meantime, some stills from the video are in the Media->Photo Archive scection
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